Gambling Support Birmingham

Broadway Casino. 'Excellent Casino situated within the heart of Birmingham that. Gambling Addiction Therapy Birmingham. I will help you to remove gambling addiction cravings, to retrain your neuro pathways to think differently.

Gambling Addiction Therapy Birmingham has successfully treated clients to remove their addiction to gambling, in the comfort of our therapy rooms in Edgbaston, Birmingham.

The definition of the word “gamble” is “take risky action in the hope of a desired result”.

Gambling is wishful thinking, expectation, hope and a lot of luck.

Addictive gamblers only remember their wins and will do anything to get back that feeling of euphoria just like a drug addict craves his fix.

Gambling Support Birmingham

The odds are always stacked against a gambler, the more they lose, the more panicky they feel and gamble more to re-coup their losses.

All common sense and rationale disappear as they become more and more obsessed, stakes become higher and higher as the desperation to win becomes overwhelming.

One MORE win and I’ll quit and walk away……

Adrenalin pumping, palms getting sweaty, heart rate faster, excitement growing….the gamble or bet is made, the addictive rush is as powerful as any illegal drug, expectation is sky high, yes, I’ve won, euphoria kicks in ! All the nice things I could buy, but hey, how about if I chance this lucky streak and double or triple my money, what could I buy then?

Just one MORE win and I’ll quit and walk away……

When you finally walk away from losing, stomach churning, the realisation that you could not stop, you have lost it all.
Gambling is in control of you, the feeling of powerlessness and guilt sinks deeper into your core of despair.

Sound familiar?

Gambling becomes an addiction, when you feel compelled to continue, irrespective of the odds and it is now no longer enjoyable.

As you gamble more than you can afford, the gambling “fix” becomes more than an obsession, it becomes a craving, a craving you cannot satisfy. Eventually the craving will cost you your home, your friends and family, your job…..everything.

No pills or potions are available to cure gambling – not even to help reduce the severity of the gambling craving.

We will, in treatment, help you to remove these cravings, to retrain your neuro pathways to think differently.
Utilising many integrative techniques we will enable your mind to learn new positive behaviours and make lasting changes.

You will subconsciously change and modify into your new behaviour and leave that world of misery, false hope and desperation behind you.

Rapid change will happen and I will equip you with all the tools and techniques for you to regain and rebuild your life, free of this devastating addiction.

Gambling will be something you used to do, you will not miss it and you will look back with new insight and learning.

YOU will be empowered, so that relapse to this parasitic addiction, which steals everything you have, will never be an option again.

Why wait to reach rock bottom?

You don’t have to lose everything and everybody in pursuit of a false addictive behaviour……

ACT NOW – Take Back Control of your Life

Call- 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation.

Gambling Addiction Therapy Birmingham
Quadrant Court
51-52 Calthorpe Road
B15 1TH

Gambling Support Birmingham Iowa

Does your gambling habit drive you into debt?

Do you gamble in the hope you’ll solve your financial problems?

Are you struggling to stop?

Most people have at some point bought a raffle or lottery ticket, placed a bet on a horse at the Grand National or had a go at a slot machine. A small win peppers the taste buds for further bets that don’t always pay up. Because you won before you believe you can do it again, and soon a cycle establishes and a habit begins to form.

The problem arises when financial hardship kicks in and you see gambling as a way out of your situation. You spend the little you have on fruit machines, a game of poker, a bet on the horses or a lottery ticket, in an attempt to win big. And now with online games easier to access, gambling has reached a crisis point.

  • How much do you spend each day or week on gambling?
  • Have you borrowed money so you could gamble?

The illusion of a substantial win, coupled with the losses, keeps you trapped in a cycle you struggle to break. Gambling can impact not only your bank balance but also your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. It can lead to serious debt, loss of employment and/or a breakdown in your relationships with family and loved ones.

Causes of Gambling Addiction

  • Financial difficulties
  • The illusion of a large win that will set you up for life
  • Social status related to being a successful gambler
  • Lifestyle of a casino player

Gambling Support Birmingham Michigan

Signs of Gambling Addiction

  • Being secretive or in denial about gambling
  • Gambling when you can’t afford
  • Preocupation with winning

Emotional Symptoms of Gambling Addiction

  • Anxiety, stress, depression or suicidal thoughts
  • Irritable, angry or short tempered
  • Sense of isolation or loneliness
  • Feeling overwhelmed, guilty and helples

Physical Symptoms of Gambling Addiction

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Self-harming
  • Heavy drinking

Behavioural Symptoms of Gambling Addiction

  • Anger, picking arguments or fights
  • Procrastination
  • Withdrawl from social settings and/or family

Carla Devereux uses hypnotherapy to help you effectively deal with your gambling habit. Hypnotherapy is a tool that when used in conjunction with other psychological approaches can be very effective in helping you explore your compulsion to gamble and break the habit.


Combining different elements from diverse counselling psychology methods makes hypnotherapy a more flexible and tailor-made approach to help you break free from your gambling habit.

Carla Devereux covers Solihull, Birmingham, West Midlands and Warwickshire for face-to-face appointments, and from the comfort of your home with online, telephone or FaceTime therapy.

To book an appointment call 0121 745 9044

Carla Devereux uses a combined therapeutic approach to support clients work through their presenting issues and achieve their desired outcome.